What a fantastic country Rwanda is. Full of opportunities for the young generation, especially in travel, tourism and hospitality, which is priority number 1 for the government in the coming years. But to fulfill the expectations of quality driven travelers, they need to educate and train their employees even better. SHL Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzern is proud to support and become part of this exciting journey.
Thanks for the great leadership:
Clare Akamanzi Michaella Rugwizangoga Irere Claudette Frank Gisha Ariella Kageruka Linda Mutesi Adeline Kobusingye Rob Kucera Craig S. Jeanne Kayitesi cynthia donela Manu Diezi Eric Sabi Nsengiyumva Christa Augsburger Timo Albiez Nicole Martin-Scheuber Marie Chantal Rwakazina